Lowongan Pekerjaan – Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Beranda Lowongan Kerja Lampung Lowongan Pekerjaan – Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

The Technocrat Education Institute, which has been appointed as a pilot model for the national level Double System Education Program (link and match), was established on 19 February 1986 using the name “Technocrat Course and Guidance” with the permission of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Depdiknas) of Lampung Province. This institution was founded by Nasrullah Yusuf with a capital of a used Bajaj motorcycle which was sold for IDR 1,600,000. At the beginning of its establishment, it only used one building that was rented for Rp. 1,000,000 per year, with equipment designed by themselves, namely two chalkboards, 50 wooden chairs, one administrative desk, and a manual typewriter.

Dosen Teknik Sipil

Kualifikasi :

  1. Lulusan S2 Teknik Sipil
  2. IPK minimal 3.25
  3. Berasal dari Perguruan Tinggi Terakreditasi
  4. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
  5. Mempunyai integritas tinggi
  6. Mampu bekerja individu maupun tim
  7. Berpenampilan menarik

Dosen Teknik Elektro

Kualifikasi :

  1. Lulusan S2 Teknik Elektro
  2. IPK minimal 3.25
  3. Berasal dari Perguruan Tinggi Terakreditasi
  4. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
  5. Mempunyai integritas tinggi
  6. Mampu bekerja individu maupun tim
  7. Berpenampilan menarik

Fasilitas :

  1. Rumah Dinas
  2. Jenjang Karir

Keterangan & Catatan

Lokasi : Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, Jl. Z.A. Pagaralam, No. 9-11, Labuhanratu, Bandar Lampung

email : hrd@teknokrat.ac.id

telp : 0812-7206-1993

Batas Akhir:
Tidak Ditentukan


Waktu Kerja:
Full Time

Sumber Lowongan:
Klik Disini

Website Resmi:

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