JagoKerja.com – Over the years, Ateja has manufactured the international standard fabrics to cater domestic and overseas markets that have been exported to more than 84 countries worldwide. A commitment to premium quality, cost-effective, and on-time delivery has marked.
Ateja as a world-class company with a solid corporate culture based on our philosophy “To enhance the reputation, image and progress of the company, to glorify God and to the benefit of mankind” – and the vision “To be one of the best and most reliable interior fabric manufacturers in the world.”
Deskirpsi Pekerjaan :
- Functional Area
- Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan managerial yang baik
- Menguasai Bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
- Memiliki kemampuan administrasi yang kuat, detail dan akurat
- Min. pendidikan S1 semua jurusan
- Terbuka bagi Fresh Graduate
- TOEFL Mahir
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@lokerjakarta.info1, @lokerlampung.info_, @loker.tanggerang.info_