Loker Tax Intern – Beautyhaul

Beranda Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Loker Tax Intern – Beautyhaul

JagoKerja.com – Beautyhaul is one of the fastest-growing beauty companies in Indonesia that aspires to be the largest vertically integrated beauty ecosystem from supply to retail. Due to its exponential growth, the company has attracted investment from a reputable investor, Sequoia Capital.

Deskripsi Pekerjaan :

  1. Rename withholding tax slips (Bukti Potong) and distribute them to vendors on a monthly basis.
  2. Prepare nominative lists for tax purposes.
  3. Input tax payment requests into the finance system.
  4. Utilize and manage the e-Faktur and e-Bukpot systems for tax-related processes.
  5. Ensure compliance with basic tax regulations and requirements.

Kualifikasi :

  1. Accounting Major if possible (Or Related)
  2. Fresh graduate or in last year semester
  3. Experience in handling e-Faktur and e-Bukpot systems would be a plus
  4. A strong understanding of basic tax principles is essential.
  5. Detail oriented

Keterangan & Catatan

Batas Akhir:
Tidak Ditentukan


Waktu Kerja:
Full Time

Sumber Lowongan:
Klik Disini



Pengalaman :


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Kunjungi Instagram Kami :

@lokerjakarta.info1, @lokerlampung.info_, @loker.tanggerang.info_

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